Don't post that you're posting in here
Me, I'm watching Supernatural all the first 3 seasons
Modifying a start menu..
I almost destroyed mine when that crazy hammerhead swam by it hehe
Deciding whether or not to do anymore skins.
Encouraging WG to do more got talent
Watching Goodfella's
At work trying to kill the last 2 hours... thinking of ideas for a new wb... also looking forward to playing left 4 dead when i get home...(this may delay a new wb by quite some time)
Also listening to cloud cult on my iphone
Congratulating Mirsguy on his Top Yearling Award!
C'mon gang! get with it and tip yer hats!
Go to his post/site and let the man know how you feel about that!
Eating a bowl of Cheerios and reading email... exciting, huh?
just got done submitting new wall.....reading new posts...
years ago....he told me me to watch this movie...something about something in the movie pertained tohim, but I don't remember...
Goodfella's is an awesome movie
I'm drinking brazilian coffee ATM
Decorating For Christmas, Listening to Christmas music, with Chirstmas movie playing in the background.
Of course I'm scanning the forums and listening to my stomach growl. Time to feed the animals.
Replying to this thread.....
telling WG he better keep makin' skinz!