Don't post that you're posting in here
Me, I'm watching Supernatural all the first 3 seasons
Sounds like "the pits".....nyuk nyuk.
Pasta fettucini, it has heaps in it, bacon and other crap
Wouldn't be so quick to cheer. Research has proven that if task A takes 3 minutes and task B takes 3 minutes then doing A+B simultaneously will take > 6 minutes. It gets worse if you, say, are driving and trying to text message.
Sorry, kiddies but theare ain't no way to beat the 3 Laws of Thermodynamics:
1.You cannot win (that is, you cannot get something for nothing, because matter and energy are conserved).2.You cannot break even (you cannot return to the same energy state, because there is always an increase in disorder; entropy always increases).3.You cannot get out of the game (because absolute zero is unattainable).
Watching O'reilly
Trying to get my hands on a Blackberry Storm
I listened to that the other night.....those girls singing O Holy Night...and Carmen singing Ave Maria just afterwards.....were a treat....wonderful...
the blonde girl on the a Brisbane Australia girl.....her grandmother lives in Holland and wrote to Andre and said he should listen to her sing......he phoned her up in Brisbane....she thought it was a joke at first....and Andre told her to fly over and sing for him....she's now a permanent on the show......he sure puts together a spectacular....
Watching Hannity and Colmes
Yes they were!!!
That is so kool!!! I watched a special on him a year or so ago...showed his home and lots of interesting things, plus there was a lot of wonderful music!!!
reading this.. after words I may eat dinner..
Just trying to put together a Hannukah project. Dunno if I'll succeed or not...hope i will.
Yo Doc, sorry I vanished, someone at the door, and now I can finally finish my COLD pasta lol
Bone tired tonight but to early to go to bed. I'll play on the computor awhile.
Reading this again.. will mosy along to other threads too.
Falling asleep in my chair....G'nite!
Nite X, I'm just playing farm frenzy, on and off