Don't post that you're posting in here
Me, I'm watching Supernatural all the first 3 seasons
and it's not on your foot.
i ain't gonna sleep 2 weeks because of that pic.
hope you're happy now, sydney!
you nad I both.....looking for some good deals come the new year...and tax one big splurge of the year....the rest fixes my rig and pays off some bills. ( I really hate bills....and taxes....the government,....bah!)
Well it is sort of.
It's 7:52 am here. I've been up since 3:30am (no rest for the skinner with chronic back pain, eh) and am almost done my new iconpackage. Gonna take a break and get ready to go in and finally get my nerve block. (please work please work)
Just thought I'd share with you a couple of my personal favorite icons from the new package.
What's great is, they look cool and I can blame the medication. Ha! Mwahahahahahaha! Ha! *gak Ha!
^^^ Good luck today...
Nice. Jerkface.
Contemplating P F - Christmas Edition
stop contemplating...and get to work....
Going on hour 4 of 16 hour shift.
I'm looking for testers, right now. Who feels brave? Shoot me an email.
I bet you have Don Rickles shaking in his shoes.
I may have spoke too soon. My IP package is still 'packing' as it were and it's coming out to be a rather huge file size. (That's waht I get for skinning everything and making a sub package). Hang on.